Facet Joint and Median br. Nerve Injection Treatment in Siliguri

Facet joint and median branch nerve injections are medical procedures used to diagnose and treat pain originating from the facet joints in the spine. These injections are primarily employed to relieve pain, improve function, and help healthcare providers pinpoint the source of a patient’s discomfort. Here is an overview of these procedures and their purposes:

1. Facet Joint Injections:

Facet joints are small, paired joints located between the vertebrae of the spine. They play a crucial role in providing stability and controlling movement in the spinal column. Facet joint injections are used for two main purposes:

a. Diagnostic Tool:

The primary purpose of facet joint injections is to determine whether the facet joints are the source of a patient’s spinal pain. This diagnostic procedure involves injecting a local anesthetic directly into the facet joint. If the patient experiences significant pain relief, it suggests that the facet joint is the pain source, confirming the diagnosis.
b. Therapeutic Treatment:

Facet joint injections can also provide therapeutic benefits. Injections often contain a combination of a local anesthetic for immediate pain relief and a corticosteroid for longer-term inflammation reduction. These injections can offer pain relief and improved function for patients with facet joint-related discomfort.

2. Median Branch Nerve Injections( Facet Joint and Median br. Nerve Injection Treatment in Siliguri ):

The medial branch nerves are small nerve branches that transmit pain signals from the facet joints to the brain. Median branch nerve injections serve a crucial role in the management of facet joint-related pain:

a. Diagnostic Tool:

Similar to facet joint injections, median branch nerve injections are also used as a diagnostic tool. By injecting a local anesthetic around the median branch nerves, healthcare providers can determine if these nerves are transmitting pain signals from the facet joints. If pain relief occurs, it suggests that the facet joint is the source of discomfort.
b. Therapeutic Treatment:

Median branch nerve injections are also employed as a therapeutic treatment. Injections typically contain a local anesthetic and sometimes a corticosteroid. These substances provide pain relief by temporarily blocking the transmission of pain signals along the nerves. While the effects are not permanent, they can provide a window of relief during which patients can participate in rehabilitation and pain management strategies.


The primary purpose of both facet joint and median branch nerve injections is to diagnose the source of spinal pain, particularly when it is suspected to originate from the facet joints. By offering temporary relief through the use of local anesthetics and anti-inflammatory corticosteroids, these procedures help healthcare providers confirm the diagnosis and provide targeted pain relief to improve a patient’s quality of life.

In summary, facet joint and median branch nerve injections are valuable tools in the diagnosis and management of spinal pain associated with facet joint issues. They play a dual role as diagnostic aids and therapeutic treatments, helping patients and healthcare providers identify and manage the source of discomfort in the spine. Patients should consult with their healthcare provider to determine if these procedures are appropriate for their specific condition.

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